Life can be so busy and demanding sometimes…..We have so many responsibilities. We have deadlines at work….we have obligations at church….we have all of the different activities with our kids and it can be so overwhelming. If we aren’t careful we will find ourselves depleted, and when we are depleted we are not being the people that God intended for us to be. This is where I found myself a little over a year ago. During that time I felt like God challenged me to pray these three prayers, and I believe if you put these into place you will set your day up for success.
Guide My Steps
Proverbs 16:9
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.
If you’re anything like me, you like to have your day scheduled out. I like to know exactly what my day is going to look like.
This is very necessary for all of us to be successful but a while back I was convicted that I needed to invite God to guide my steps. I started praying that God would put me in the right situations. I prayed he would show me the right opportunities at work or in the community. I started praying that God would show favor on me and all that I put my hands on. It’s amazing to see what God can do through you when you invite Him to be a part of the process.
Guard My Words
Psalm 19:14
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer.
I received my Bachelor’s degree in Church Music at Lee University back in 1994. At Lee we had chapel services 3 times a week and at the end of every service we would pray Psalm 19:14. I must have prayed that hundreds of times but never really paid attention to what it was saying. Today, I know the power of this prayer and it’s my desire that God would be pleased with the words of my mouth. So often though, the words we speak are anything but pleasing to the Lord. We try very hard in our household to be life giving to each other with our words. With two teenage boys this can be a challenge but we make an effort to use words that are life giving not life killing. In scripture it tells us that we have the power of life and death in our tongues…..our words are so powerful. Let's make sure that the words of our mouth are pleasing to God.
Give Me Wisdom
James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
I think of the three prayers this is the most important. I tell my boys almost every day that life is a bunch of choices. Some are small and some are big but they all shape who you will become and what your life will look like. I want them to know how important it is that they invite God to give them wisdom in every choice that they make. We need God’s wisdom as we go throughout our day. We need wisdom in our marriage, on how to raise our children, wisdom in our finances and in our relationships.
Remember…...Life is all about choices. Let’s invite God to give us wisdom to make good ones.