Worship is our response to God for who He is and for what He's done. So often we limit that response to what we do in church on Sunday as we sing, but worship is so much more than just singing songs. Now don't get me wrong; this is one of my favorite ways to worship and I believe it's a very important part, but that’s just it...it's only a part. To make worship a way of life we have to understand that it's a whole life response to who God is and what He's done. Here are three things that can help us live a life of worship.
1. Realize that we were created to Worship
We need to realize that we were put on this earth to worship God and bring Him glory. We were created for His pleasure. So often we get this mixed up and we believe that God was created for our pleasure, our needs, and our wants. We think it's all about us but what we have to understand is that it's all about Him. This is not an easy concept for us because, if you're anything like me, you can be pretty selfish sometimes. There are times when everything I do or think about is to make me more comfortable or happy. We have to come to the place where we flip the script and live our lives in a way that brings Him pleasure and makes Him happy. Each day brings a new opportunity for worship.
2. Make Worship a Priority
One of the ways we make worship a priority is by making church attendance important. It seems that in this day and age church attendance has become less and less important. Where in generations past it was a given you would be in church every time the doors were open....today that is no longer the case. The reality is most church attenders only come to church once or twice a month and the other Sundays they are off to the lake or to travel ball tournaments. Now don't get me wrong I love going to the lake and both of my boys play travel ball, but we have to make sure that we do not make that the priority over church.
There is nothing like coming together with other believers and learning, serving, and worshiping together.
Worship can be priority in your personal time with God. We have to carve out space in our day where we can completely focus on who God is and what He's done for us. For me, the best time for this is when I first get up. I love going out on my back deck with a cup of coffee and spending a few minutes reading through scripture and praying for the day ahead. For others of you it may be taking time on your drive to work listening to worship music or just saying a prayer as you are heading to the office. Whatever works for you, we just have to make it a point to carve out some personal time with God.
3. Everything We Do Is Worship
We must understand that everything we do is worship. Every word that we say, every action we take is worship. Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship”. In order to make worship a way of life we have to make sure that we get up every morning and die to ourselves while knowing that everything we do we are doing unto the Lord. If we do that we will be the best leader, the best employee or student, and the best parent that we could possibly be because we’re doing it as worship.
Let’s begin to look at worship as bringing glory to God in our everyday lives. In every decision we make, we can be true worshipers. That is why we were created. What can you do today to be more intentional in making worship a way of life?